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Information for people contemplating
a career in emergency medicine and
other medical specialties

By Kevin Pezzi, MD


Terms and Conditions of Use

Noncommercial: This site is solely for personal use. All information on this site is provided on the condition that it be used solely by individuals for noncorporate, noncommercial, nonorganizational use. You may not use this site or any of its content for any commercial, corporate, or organizational purposes unless permission is first granted in writing by Dr. Pezzi (contact him). You may not transmit any content of this site to anyone representing a business, corporation, or organization, or to any computer owned or leased by a business, corporation, or organization, unless you first obtain a signed authorization from Dr. Pezzi (contact him). This site may not be accessed by any computer owned, leased, used or operated by or on behalf of, any corporation, company, business, or organization unless you first obtain a signed authorization from Dr. Pezzi (contact him). If you fail to comply with this provision, you understand and agree that you and the recipient will each be liable to pay Dr. Pezzi liquidated damages of $17,500,000 plus all fees incurred in the collection of the penalty, including court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses, for each instance of violating this License.

No derivative works or “fair use” rights: You may not alter, transform, or build upon this work. You may not copy, reproduce, transmit, or publish any content in this site without prior written consent from Dr. Kevin Pezzi (contact him). If you fail to comply with this provision, you understand and agree that you and the recipient, if any, will each be liable to pay Dr. Pezzi liquidated damages of $17,500,000 plus all fees incurred in the collection of the penalty, including court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses, for each instance of violating this License. By using this site, you are specifically waiving any “fair use” rights you have. If you do not agree to voluntarily relinquish those rights, do not access any other page on this site or use its content in any way. If limitation of “fair use” rights is not permitted in your area, you agree to pay a site usage fee of $17,500,000 plus all fees incurred in its collection, including court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses, which shall be fully waived if you fully comply with all of these Terms and Conditions of Use. By accessing any other page on this site, you understand and agree that you will pay the site usage fee given above if you do not voluntarily relinquish your “fair use” rights or if limitation of them is not permitted in your case. Contact Dr. Pezzi to obtain the address for payment submission.

Answering questions: Dr. Pezzi is willing to answer some of the many questions he receives, especially if they pertain to something he hasn't yet discussed or wishes to expound on. If you pay in advance for him to respond, you have the right to request that his reply to you be private (that is, not published for others to see). However, Dr. Pezzi rarely has time to give private replies to questions, so if he answers yours free, your payment to him is giving him the right to publish the question (and his response) so others may benefit from it, too. If Dr. Pezzi answers a question without charge and you later decide that you do not want your question published, he will delete your question if you pay him $250/hour for the time he devoted to answering your question(s). If you do not want particular details published, don't send them. He will generally not publish your full name unless you specifically authorize that. Name changes or deletions will be made at no charge.

Eligibility: Use of this site is limited to persons 18 years of age or older who have read and agree to these Terms and Conditions of Use.

Model/Image Notice: Unless explicitly stated otherwise, none of the models, businesses, organizations, institutions, or products shown in any of the images on this site are affiliated with me, my products, opinions, or this site, nor do they endorse any of its content. The models are models, not spokespersons. By viewing this site, you understand this and agree not to make any personal or professional inference about any model in any picture in this site. If you fail to comply with this provision, you understand and agree that you will pay the model(s) liquidated damages of $17,500,000 per model plus all fees incurred in the collection of the penalty, including court costs, attorney fees, and other expenses, for each violation.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be granted by Dr. Pezzi.

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